Age calculator project in Android and Kotlin.
You can create your own xml file to design you application,
so I am not giving here the xml file. But you can access the
whole project from my Github account. link is given below.
3: import
4: import android.os.Bundle
5: import android.util.Log
6: import
7: import*
8: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
9: import java.time.LocalDate
10: import java.util.*
12: class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
13: lateinit var selected_date: Date
14: lateinit var yourAge: String
15: lateinit var date_formater: SimpleDateFormat
16: override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
17: super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
18: setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)
19: date_formater = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy") // It will change the date into a string buffer in this pattern
20: val today_date = date_formater.format(Date()) // format function took a date as a argument and Date() is function which returns today's date
21: showing_today_date.setText(today_date)
22: click_to_show_cal.setOnClickListener{
23: Opendatepicker()
24: }
25: calculateBtn.setOnClickListener {
26: showing_your_age.setText(yourAge) // Showing the age of person after clicking the calculate button
27: }
28: }
29: @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
30: fun Opendatepicker() {
31: val cal = Calendar.getInstance() // Creating a calendar instance to open a calendar form your phone
32: val date = cal.time
33: val year = date.year
34: val month = date.month
35: val day =
36: DatePickerDialog(this, DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener { View, selectYear, selectMonth, selectDay ->
37: selected_date = Date(selectYear - 1900, selectMonth, selectDay)
38: val show_date = date_formater.format(selected_date)
39: showing_selected_date.setText(show_date)
40: this.yourAge = claculate(selectYear, selectMonth, selectDay)
41: // calculate is a function which return a string which is shown as a string, top of the your age. created below
42: }, year, month, day).show() // In this line the year, month and day are the same as line 33, 34 and 35
43: }
44: fun claculate(selected_year: Int, selected_month: Int, selected_day: Int): String {
45: val date_today =
46: val todayDay = date_today.dayOfMonth
47: val todayMonth = date_today.monthValue
48: val todayYear = date_today.year
49: var age_year:Int
50: var age_month:Int
51: var age_day:Int
53: //Logic to find age and after calculating returning the string
54: if (todayYear > selected_year) {
55: if ((todayMonth >= selected_month) && (todayDay >= selected_day)) {
56: age_year = todayYear - selected_year
57: age_month = todayMonth - (selected_month+1)
58: age_day = todayDay - selected_day
59: } else if (todayMonth < selected_month && todayDay < selected_day) {
60: age_year = (todayYear-1) - selected_year
61: age_month = ((todayMonth + 12)-1) - (selected_month+1)
62: age_day = (todayDay + 30) - selected_day
63: } else if (todayMonth < selected_month) {
64: age_year = (todayYear-1) - selected_year
65: age_month = (todayMonth + 12) - (selected_month+1)
66: age_day = todayDay - selected_day
67: } else if (todayDay < selected_day) {
68: age_year = todayYear - selected_year
69: age_month = (todayMonth -1) - (selected_month+1)
70: age_day = (todayDay + 30) - selected_day
71: } else {
72: return "You Entered Wrong Date"
73: }
74: return "$age_year Years, $age_month Months, $age_day Days"
75: } else {
76: return "You have not born yet"
77: }
78: }
79: }
Github Link is Here.
Apk file is uploaded on github also.
Age calculator project in Android and Kotlin.
Reviewed by Coding Arc
January 13, 2021
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